Our Mission is to Act as a Leading Voice for the Rights, Dignity, and Protection of Refugees and Immigrant Newcomers to the United States of America.

Our Services & Goals


Our Mission is to Act as a Leading Voice for the Rights, Dignity, and Protection of Refugees and Immigrant Newcomers to the United States of America.


Our Vision is to Empower the Refugees and Immigrants in the US to Rebuild their Lives and Reach their Full Potential to Move Towards Self-Sufficiency and Ambitious Lives.


Thank you for your donation. Your generosity means everything to us and to the community we serve.


Accusantium quam, ultricies eget tempor id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper ullamcorper, magna


Refugee Resettlement Services
Employment Program
Refugee Health Services


Looking to Make a Difference? Volunteer with Us Today! It is a Great Way to Give Back to Your Community and Make a Real Difference in the Lives of Others.

  Get started now! No one has ever become poor by giving

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